About Alicia

I have been a teacher with Grande Prairie and District Catholic Schools since 2005. I am currently an Assistant Principal at an 8-12 High School with four years of experience as a Numeracy Lead Teacher and Instructional Coach. I have served as the President of the Math Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association and currently sit on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Publishing Committee. I have a Master's Degree in Education from Simon Fraser University and am looking forward to one day pursuing a Ph.D.
I enjoy presenting at math conferences, collaborating with teachers online and in person, and am always excited to talk about learning and loving math. I want every child to experience the joy, confidence, and flow of solving big, beautiful problems! I want every child to believe that they can learn math to the highest level and that their inner mathematician is waiting to be awakened! I want all adults to believe this as well, about themselves and the children in their lives. I am passionate about learning and teaching mathematics; I want to help teachers and students gain confidence as math learners through problem solving, collaboration, and perseverance.
The Dragon Curve
- A Magical Math Journey -
Aiyana finds a long, skinny strip of paper on the ground that looks like a road. As she follows the road, she folds the paper in half, and it becomes a mountain for her to climb. With every fold, she makes a new shape, one that fuels her curiosity in wonderful ways, and takes her on a magical journey into the world of fractals.
This is a beautiful story about the power of imagination, mathematics, and the world around us. It is a chance for readers of all ages to get a glimpse of the beauty of math and experience the joy of inspiring the inner mathematician in all of us.
You can purchase The Dragon Curve at any one of the links below.
Magical Math Journey
A Joyful Exploration
Teachers, I'll help you to explore ways to keep math fun in your classroom and to give students reasons to love math by providing the answers (pun intended) and resources you require.
Students and Parents, come join me on this magical math journey. Explore the exciting ways you can approach math. Even if math has a “right” answer, there are lots of ways to get to it. That's what the journey's all about. You'll find tools to solve different problems, help in understanding concepts, and you'll discover an approach that makes the most sense to you.